MFR Resources

JFB Myofascial Release is fundamental and powerful.

The Art and Science of Myofascial Release

Dr Carol M. Davis presented an excellent half-hour talk explaining the art and science behind Barnes Myofascial Release at the Fascia and Chronic Pain Summit in 2022. Succinct, clear, and very instructive. You can watch the video here: New Barnes MFR

MFR for COVID recovery

This COVID pandemic has thrown our world for a loop. Recent news articles talk about the COVID “long-haulers,” people who may experience mild symptoms in the beginning, but whose illness drags on for weeks and or months longer than is normally expected. A recent review of the available research, reports, and professional opinions related to post-COVID syndrome was published on 6 January 2021 in the Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences. In that review, the author states the following: “Fascia focused therapeutic interventions are shown to reduce pain and support a re-establishment of function while providing safe, effective and appropriate non-invasive therapy.”

Myofascial Release for GERD

Can MFR help resolve gastroesophageal reflux? Signs are pointing to yes.
”These preliminary findings indicate that the application of the MFR protocol we used in this study decreased the symptoms and PPIs usage and increased the quality of life of patients with non-erosive GERD up to four weeks after the end of the treatment.” Quoted from See article for more details.

Fascia under the endoscope

Strolling Under the Skin is a documentary video by French surgeon, Dr Jean-Claude Guimberteau and team. This video shows in vivo footage of human fascia in action. In real time, you can watch live human fascia respond to its environment and mechanical forces placed upon it. Watch it here: Strolling Under the Skin

For a shortened, visually annotated version of Dr Guimberteau’s Strolling Under the Skin, please see this video of excerpts: Fascia magnified 25x

MFR and lymphatic flow

How can myofascial release impact the lymphatic system? By taking the proverbial foot off the hose.

Information Stored in Quantum Holograms of Twisted Photons

The world of physics and technology is catching up to what we suspect our bodies have been doing forever.

Recommended Reading & Watching

YouTube playlist of excellent Barnes MFR self-treatment videos from the physical therapy practice of expert MFR therapist Joni Edmunds
Myofascial Release Healing Ancient Wounds: the Renegade’s Wisdom
, by John F. Barnes, PT
Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia, by Ronelle Wood
Radical Wholeness, by Philip Shepherd
What’s in Your Web? Stories of Fascial Freedom, by Phil Tavolacci, MSPT, PT
Waking the Tiger - Healing Trauma: the Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences, by Peter A. Levine
The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Architecture of Human Living Fascia, The extracellular matrix and cells revealed through endoscopy, by Jean-Claude Guimberteau, Colin Armstrong
The BiotensegriTea Party channel on YouTube
Dr Carol M. Davis’s channel on YouTube
Comprehensive Myofascial Self Treatment, by Joyce Karnis Patterson, PT